MBA / PGDM Notice – Elective for III Semester

MBA / PGDM Notice – Elective for III Semester                    


All students MBA/PGDM Semester II are required to give  option for two elective areas one major and one minor area for semester III.& IV.  Each student is required to study three paper from major area and two paper from minor area in semester III. and two papers from major area and one paper from minor area in semester IV.


Students are required to mark tick on the areas of specialization and return the same  in the DG secretariat latest by 1st May, 2015.

It may also be clearly understood that any combination of specialization will be offered only when it is practically feasible and there are minimum 8 students offering that particular combination otherwise the student concerned will have to opt for another combination which is offered.

In case no option is received from any student by the date mentioned above, he/she shall have to opt the specialization finally offered on the basis of options received.


DEAN( Mgmt.)