(2014-2016 BATCH)






  1. All students of MBA/PGDM Semester II have to undergo Summer Training for 4 to 6 weeks in an approved Business Organization.
  2. Before leaving the Institute, every student must give in writing full details in duplicate about the Organization, its address, phone numbers etc. where the student will be going for Summer Training, as per proforma enclosed to be submitted (both copies) duly filled in latest by 20th May 2015 to the office of the dean .
  3. The students must send the Joining report duly signed by the Authorized person from the Organization where they are joining for Summer Training. This joining report must be submitted to – Training & Placement Division within ONE WEEK of the beginning of the training.
  4. During the Summer Training, the students will be asked by the Organization to            work on a Summer Project. For this purpose if any student requires   any             guidance / assistance, he/ she can contact the Director General / Dean or his/her faculty guide, either personally or on e-mail or on telephone.
  1. After the completion of the training, each student will be required to submit a Project Report hard bound for evaluation. The Summer Training Project carries 100 marks, divided as follows:-

Internal guide                                              :           40 marks

           Presentation before external examiner     :           60 marks

(Assessment report provided by the organization will be considered for evaluation)

  1. (a) One bound copy of the Project Report has to be submitted to the Institute for

evaluation (which will not be returned) after the student joins classes in the III semester. The last date for submission of the project reports will be 1st September 2015 (without fine) and 15th September 2015 (with a fine of Rs.100/- per day of delay). No Project Report will be accepted after 15th September 2015 .

The appraisal form giving the evaluation by the company about the performance of the student, and the Certificate from the Company of having satisfactorily completed the training should be attached with the Project Report.

  • No project report will be accepted without the above documents.
  • However, it will be advisable for the students to complete the work during Summer Training itself.
  1. The Summer Training Project Reports should consist of the following:-

Part A             Details and history of the Organization, its Organization Structure,

working of different departments alongwith the organization chart of each department and their functions.

Part B             Details of the project given by the company. This should include

Research Objectives, Research Methodology, Data Collection Methods, Data Analysis, Conclusions, Limitations and Recommendations and Bibliography.

Part C             Balance Sheets for the past 2-3 years (if available.)

Part D             Literature, brochure, copies of rules & regulations, manuals, standing orders etc. (whichever available).

                        In addition project report should contain annexure about the company, turnover, organizational structure, area or operations, range of products/ range of activities, target , clientele, policies of the company, vision, mission etc. It should also have a mention about the standing of the company, past performance and future plans. Annexure may also contain photographs of personalities, building, infrastructure as well as other publicity materials of the organization which the student want to add as part of the project report. The project report should consist of 50-60 pages.

  1. In case the Organization gives more than one project to a student, all such projects must be included in the Summer Training Report.
  2. In case more than one student is undergoing Summer Training in the same Organization, efforts should be made to prepare separate project reports by choosing different market segments or different aspects, so that the projects can be differentiated for the purpose of evaluation. No combined project reports will be accepted.
  3. In case a student changes his/her organization for Summer Training, prior approval must be taken from the Head – Training and Placement and full information about the new organization must be submitted in writing immediately. In case a student change the organization for summer training in mid-between or completes summer training in two establishments, the project report should be prepared on two separate problems . Sequel to this synopsis has also to be separate on two forms – though project report may be one.
  4. All students are expected to behave with proper decorum, courtesy and decency during the above training period, so that they create a good image about themselves and MERI. They must sincerely work during the training period as per the directions of the Organization. At no stage, there should be any complaint from the Organization about their work or behaviour.

All students to carefully study the above and comply. In case any clarification is needed, students can discuss the same with the undersigned.


DEAN( Mgmt.)