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Best College for BBA LLB Delhi NCR, 5 Years Law Courses

BBA LL.B 5 Years Course

BBA LL.B 5 Year Integrated Program

MERI Professional and Law Institute, a top Law College in Delhi NCR affiliated to M.D University, Rohtak, Haryana. It has a unique approach towards education wherein textual knowledge is i.e codified laws are fused with practical experience. The vision of the MERI Law College is to train the students both on academic and professional grounds. We seek to provide an environment enriched with extraordinary avenues shaping and fabricating a learning process that adds discipline to the frame of holistic student development.

Moot Court Activity

Moot Court activity is a thrust area of Legal Education. The Institute has maintained an excellent and fully furnished, air-conditioned Moot Court with all state-of-the-art facilities. This is unarguably the best and the biggest in Delhi-NCR Rohtak, Haryana and also praised by the inspection team of the Bar Council of India. Ours is a pioneer institute of Legal education in Haryana. Right from its inception, it has been actively involved in implementing many Legal Aid schemes floated by the State and Central Government for providing cheaper and speedy justice to common man.

In this context, the Institute has established a Legal Aid in its premises with the aim to create awareness amongst the people belonging to the rural area about their legal rights and duties and to sensitize them towards the problems in society.

The Institute has made arrangements for the students to visit jails, police stations, welfare homes, reformatory homes etc., in order to expose them to actual social problems and develop a sense of social responsibility in them. In addition, crash courses on legal awareness for schools/colleges and NGOs are also conducted in order to spread legal knowledge amongst the underprivileged and downtrodden section of the society, women empowerment etc


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