Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds dimmed!!! Serve to Lead! Cherish the joy of serving!!! Education does not only mean studies however extracurricular activities also play a vital role in enhancing the talents and skills of the students. At MERI, our aim is to provide the right platform for the students where they can portray and improve their personal skills and talents in addition to their academic skills. We have a number of cultural clubs for the students to be a part of, to enhance their confidence, self presentation, team work, self discipline etc., for their overall development. An entire gamut of activities are categorized under various cultural clubs are organized from time to time under the guidance of the Organizing Committee. The clubs are structured in a way to be able to unleash the talent that is radiated from the budding future managers. MERI believes in creating a vivacious environment for all through organizing a wide array of activities that revolve around performing arts, cultural activities, literature, sports etc.